
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

My personally tested tips and experiences of 30 years

Ubqari Magazine - January 2016

Throughout my life, I have come across many experiences and although I am not a pious person, I still have been blessed with the solution to all my problems by making dua and reciting Quran. I often ask for advice from elders and practice it too. Which is why I have often been able to solve many of the issues that I have faced throughout my life?


Benefits of Salat-ut-tasbih: 35 years ago in 1979, I was given the post as a teacher in a school of makki mawand (kohlo agency) which was an area quite far away. Reaching this area was quite a huge problem. Transport was not available and travelling by truck was the only option. This was pretty tiresome for me so I started salat-ut-tasbih after Maghrib prayer. There is a different kind of spiritual level at the time of Maghrib prayer so I made a routine of offering salat-ut-tasbih at that time. When I got a winter break of 3 months as is the norm in Baluchistan. My brother was a teacher in FG public school Multan Cantt. I discussed with him that my job was quite problematic for me, getting transport and food in that far flung area is quite an issue. In those I had done a course of teaching Art drawing. My brother discussed this with one of his students whose father was CAO at GHQ Rawalpindi. When the winter break ended, I went back to my duty in kohlo agency. And as per routine, I kept offering salat-ut-tasbih and made dua too for ease in my profession. And soon, I got a message from my brother in Multan, that I had been offered the post of drawing teacher at FG boys High School Number 2. Although I hadn't given any interview or any application and had just made a verbal request, I was still successful in getting a good job. I was incredibly thankful to Allah that He had granted me a solution to my problems through salat-ut-tasbih.

Friends with jinnat:

This is a real life scenario from 1985 when I used to live alone in Faisalabad due to my job. Neighbors often asked me that how could I live in this place since many had been unable to owing to the presence of jinnat. A boy named Muhammad Younus used to work at my place and handled the meal and cleaning. (At this point, I should mention that I have been regular in offering salat from a young age and offered durud in 1000's since my teenage years. Along with this, I have had a strong urge to learn and practice different Aamal or spiritual tips). Once while working, i called out to Younus that make a roti for me since I had to leave for work. The boy didn't reply so I went to check and found that the table had been set with my meal consisting of roti and some gravy. In the evening when Younus came again, I asked him that where had he gone earlier to which he replied that he had gone to buy a roti from outside and since it had taken some time, he had come back to a locked gate. This was pretty strange. Also once while reciting Quran as was my habit each day, I heard a strange sound and at that point, I said in my heart that I have seen you. The female jinn addressed me by her and said that I have been living in this house for 20 years and nobody has been able to live here. You are the first person to have been able to live so comfortably. Another thing that I should mention here is that since I was a student, I had been an avid reader of books based on religion that I studied alongside my teacher Mufti Abdul Qaadar Sahab. He was pious person and he had told me about the wazifa or amal to befriend jinnat. Reciting the following verse

was the wazifa that I had used and through this I was able to live comfortably. While living in Faisalabad, I used to meet that female jinni from time to time who proved helpful to me as well until I was transferred to Islamabad in 1988.

The recitation of Surah Ad-Duha to solve unemployment:

My son was unable to find employment but he was continuous in his practice of reciting Surah Duha. The benefit of doing this became evident when my son was given a job even when his admission test had not been passed. My son was called for an interview and upon reaching there, the people themselves asked that who had come from Islamabad to which my son replied that he was from Islamabad. Sometime later, I called a friend to request that he ask for the result of the interview. He replied that my son had gotten the job. Later, the admin officer of that organization told us that although the test had not been cleared, they had still selected and given him a job. This is personal experience of reciting Surah Duha.



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